These are the top 10 most nostalgic states in the U.S.

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map united states top 10

Maybe you know the location and hours of every vintage shop for miles around, or perhaps you just like to check out the occasional classic car show. Either way, it’s nice to know where to find your fellow old souls. This got us wondering which states are the most nostalgic, so naturally, we figured it out.

To do this, we identified five common areas of nostalgic interest: classic cars, antiques, vintage clothing, vinyl records, and everyone’s favorite jiggly dessert, Jell-O. We then took to Facebook to measure each state’s level of interest in each of the five topics.

Surprising no one, California claimed the top spot. The rest of our top 10, however, was less expected. Utah came in at number two, and who knew the South had so many vinyl fanatics?

For those of you looking to leave your acid-wash jeans and shag carpets in the past, the Midwest is your strongest bet. Illinois, Maryland, Nebraska, Wisconsin, and Minnesota round out the bottom five. Check out where your state ranked in the chart below:

chart 50 states ranked

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Candace Ramirez