A Consumer Guide to Becoming a Grown-Up Ferris Bueller

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Life moves pretty fast—one day you’re in the throes of puberty dreaming of becoming Ferris Bueller, the next you’re a grownup with adult responsibilities. Stop and look around—did you miss something?

A lot of time has passed since 1986, when Ferris Bueller’s Day Off first appeared in theaters. However, it’s not too late to be a righteous dude and live out some of those Ferris Bueller-inspired fantasies, provided you have a lot of cash and are willing to fake a sick day to enjoy it. Here’s how…

Purchase the 1963 Modena Spyder California

You could rent a nice Cadillac, or call a limo—perhaps a nice stretch job with a TV and a bar? Or, better yet, you could buy the car used in the film. This 1963 Modena Spyder California is expected to fetch anywhere from $250,000 to $1,000,000 at the Mecum Auction in Monterey. Seriously, this car is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.

Buy Cameron’s Dad’s Garage

Such a fine automobile needs to be stored somewhere, preferably on jacks so you can take the miles off in reverse. The garage in the movie is currently for sale and is also a mid-century modern architectural treasure located in Highland Park, Illinois. Designed by Mies van der Rohe and David Haid, this little piece of cinematic history can be yours for $1.5 million.

Marry Mia Sara (Sloane Peterson)

Getting the girl is going to be a little trickier. The lovely actress Mia Sara, who played Ferris’ girlfriend Sloane Peterson, is now married to the son of Muppet creator Jim Henson. Previously she was married to actor Sean Connery’s son. Is your dad someone famous in the entertainment industry?

Wear a Sweet Leather Jacket

Not many people can pull off a leather jacket, but Ferris Bueller made this one sort of work. Maybe it’s the handmade sheepskin leather, or the classic styling, or perhaps it’s because this was the 1980s and people got away with fashion murder back then. Wow, even Sloane Peterson pulls off the white leather jacket with fringe. The 1980s were crazy like that, but you can still by this vintage coat HERE.

Eat Warm, Soft Gummy Bears

Maybe you don’t have the expendable income for the previous bank account-busting purchases, but you can afford a bag of gummy bears. Just put them in your pocket and wait until they’re real warm and soft. That’s the sort of simple pleasure someone from any walk of life can enjoy, even someone who enjoys the finest meals, like Abe Froman—The Sausage King of Chicago.

Ryan Nickum