Green Real Estate

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OK, chances are you’re not a member of the aviation community, and that’s OK! Neither am I. Just add -airstrip to your text search to subtract all properties that have an airstrip from your search!

Maybe you’re a green-minded individual that doesn’t like burning jet fuel in our beautiful Northwest atmosphere. Estately can help you out, too. If you’re looking for a home that’s LEED certified (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) as being green, simply do a Text Search for “LEED”. If you’re a fan of that bright glowing ball of fire in the sky that most of us call “sun,” try doing a text search for “solar” to aid in your search for either solar-equipped or solar-ready homes.

As you can see, our Text Search can help you zero-in on that home you’re looking for, no matter how specific your needs are (ever dreamed of having a dumbwaiter? Neither have I…).

Have any cool or interesting Text Searches that you use? Share ’em with us!
