Portland Neighborhood blogs: we don't pump our own gas

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But Portland, apparently, doesn’t pump pollutants in to the atmosphere, either. At least they’re more sensitive to it than other cities, as was noted in a Green Building Forum a couple weeks ago. A choice quote: “‘Portland is definitely out near the front if not in the front [when it comes to green building],’ Scott Lewis of Brightworks said.” Impressive! When will we see Oregonians getting their electric vehicles plugged in for them?

I enjoy discussing green living and design, as it’s an inevitable change that we will have to make, sooner or later. The Portland Water Bureau’s Water Blog has a few nice tips on “blue living,” (you know, the wet stuff that’s two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen), such as putting a picture of John Edwards in your shower. Yup…

Portland is also serious about their mass transit. Apparently, the MAX trains trains are made out of the same stuff as those armored bank trucks. Nothing a pickup can contend with, at least. If riding on a MAX train sounds too extreme, it’s not too late to participate in the 17 event “Pedalpalooza,” (June 12-28) and other “awesomely ridiculous” events.

Are there any Portland neighborhood blogs we’re missing? Let us know in the comments.
