It's All About the Extras

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Sometimes, it’s not about the choice of schools nearby, or how close major lines of mass transit are (a bit more on that early next week), and sometimes it’s not even about being a couple blocks away from a good coffee shop (although, admittedly, sometimes it really is about that).

No, sometimes it’s all about the extras (Google agrees with me a half million times). Sometimes, it’s about owning a home with an airstrip! That’s right, you read correctly. An airstrip. At the time of posting, Estately has 50 properties for sale throughout Washington and Oregon that have an airstrip, starting at a mere $160k (you can perform this search yourself by doing a Text Search for “airstrip”). Now you, too, can own a home with airstrip, without paying that airstrip premium. The money you save can easily go toward filling up the ol’ Cessna.

Estately can help you find some real gems. You just have to look.
